If you want to build the amalia.js library yourself, you will need a fully functionnal npm / bower/ grunt environment. If you want to use the trunk directly instead of stable releases, you also need to have git installed. For Ubuntu, you can install everything quite easily :
sudo apt-get install git sudo apt-get install npm sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node sudo npm install -g bower sudo npm install -g grunt-cliIf you are behind a proxy, don't forget to configure correctly these tools :
git config --global http.proxy http://proxy.mycompany.fr git config --global https.proxy http://proxy.mycompany.fr npm config set proxy http://proxy.mycompany.fr npm config set https-proxy http://proxy.mycompany.fr # Create or edit ~/.bowerrc with the following lines { "proxy":"http://proxy.mycompany.fr", "https-proxy":"http://proxy.mycompany.fr" }You are now ready to compile amalia.js. First get the source code
git clone https://github.com/ina-foss/amalia.js.git amalia.jsThen compile
cd amalia.js bower install npm install gruntWe use PhantomJS to run some unit tests. Unfortunately, this tool has a dependency on FontConfig that is hidden. If you have an error while building amalia.js regarding this library, simply install it
sudo apt-get install fontconfigMake sure your build directory is available trough a web server. As an example, if you have Apache installed under Ubuntu
sudo ln -s ~/amalia.js /var/www/html/amalia.jsYou can now acces the sample applications with your freshly build amalia.js at