As already mentioned in the quickstart section
parameter is the only one that is mandatory. One might also generally consider setting the
to false.
If you need to change the appearence of the player, have a look at the CSS styles. Depending on the part you want to change, it is a good starting point. You may also have to modify the plugin directly.
$("#container").mediaPlayer({ autoplay: true, crossorigin: 'Anonymous', src: "samples-data/examples/vid/amalia01.mp4", debug:true, shortcuts: { enabled: true, debug: false, listOfShortcuts: [ {'s': 'f3', 'c': 'moveNextFrame'}, {'s': 'f4', 'c': 'movePrevFrame'} ] }, controlBar: { sticky: true, autohide: false, enableProgressBar: false, height: 75, widgets: { left: { 'timelabelWidget': 'fr.ina.amalia.player.plugins.controlBar.widgets.TimeLabel', 'playWidget': 'fr.ina.amalia.player.plugins.controlBar.widgets.PlayButton', 'pauseWidget': 'fr.ina.amalia.player.plugins.controlBar.widgets.PauseButton' }, mid: { 'JogShuttle': 'fr.ina.amalia.player.plugins.controlBar.widgets.JogShuttleButton' }, right: { 'volume': 'fr.ina.amalia.player.plugins.controlBar.widgets.ChannelVolumeControlBar', 'full': 'fr.ina.amalia.player.plugins.controlBar.widgets.FullscreenButton' }, settings: { timelabelWidget: { timeFormat: 's', framerate: 20 }, sample: { style: 'fa fa-eye fa-2x', callback: 'myCallback' }, secNext: { style: 'ajs-icon ajs-icon-control-forward', callback: 'myCallbackControl', action: 'next' }, volume: { channelMerger: false } } } }, plugins: {...} });